NEW ~~ 選擇性波峰焊設備租賃
2017.10.19詳細設備規格, 租賃方案等, 歡迎致電 03-3461891洽詢或於聯絡我們留言, 即會有專人與您聯繫, 謝謝!
KISS-103IL selective soldering machine including :
Standard Features :
SMEMA edge conveyor with program controlled width adjustment, positive PCB location and PCB flattening
The direction of board movement is left to right unless otherwise specified
ACE “Super Quick” Z-motion control for fastest processing times
Windows 7 OS with the interactive SWAK-OS on machine programming interface rapid setup and time to “first production”, usually within 10 minutes
Automated Fiducial Correction
Board warp compensation
Dual monitors (great for simultaneous video feed from cameras)
Step and repeat capability in both X- and Y-axis for multiple boards in a panel
“Lead free” alloy solder pot and pump assembly (KSPA-T)
Full set of seven bullet nozzles (sizes ranging from 3mm up to 25mm)
Nitrogen heat exchanger providing heated nitrogen to the solder nozzle
Programmable solder wave flow rate
Programmable solder pot timer
Automated in process solder wave height check / adjust
Automated solder pot level check and fill
Two (2) process witness cameras
Closed loop rotary encoders
Automated spray fluxing system (KFS-SP) Absolute control over all critical process parameters:
- Solder temperature interlocked to within 2°C
- Height and travel speed of the solder wave
- Programmable initial preheat soak time
Set-up kit containing all necessary support tools